Sedation Dentistry in Great Falls, MT

Does the thought of an upcoming dental appointment make you anxious or nervous? Are you sensitive to sound or light? Do you have special healthcare needs that make it difficult to receive dental treatment?

Homegrown Dental offers the top sedation dentistry services near Great Falls, MT and beyond, because ours are always tailored to each patient's individual needs! No matter your anxiety level, we'll assess your health history and work with you to determine the safest, most appropriate level of sedation for you!

Sedation Dentistry Options

Our Great Falls, MT dentist's office offers the following levels of sedation:

Oral Conscious Sedation

Homegrown Dental offers oral conscious sedation to help anxious patients relax throughout their treatment. This form of sedation is taken as a pill prior to the procedure and can be used as both a mild and moderate sedative.

With mild sedation, patients feel drowsy; for moderate sedation, patients may fall into a light sleep.

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas, or inhalation sedation, is a form of light sedation and is typically offered to young patients or those with mild anxiety in the dental chair. Laughing gas is a colorless, odor-free gas that is administered through a comfortable breathing mask.

Dr. Moore will control the amount of gas to ensure maximum safety and comfort. With this form of sedation, you can expect to be fully relaxed while still fully awake and able to follow instructions.

Questions About Our Sedation Dentistry Services?

Dental treatments should never be uncomfortable or scary! Call us today to learn how our sedation dentistry services can give you a comfortable experience in the dentist's chair.

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(405) 760-1077

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    7:00am - 4:00pm
    7:00am - 4:00pm
    7:00am - 2:00pm

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